I'm Anna Donlan, an Interactive Story Designer at ProPublica.

Past experience:

Quartz Creative Studio
Pop Up Magazine
Texas Monthly

Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire
Design, Development

The Night Raids
Design, Development

The Resilient Generation
Quartz Creative for Deloitte
Design, art direction
🎨 by Paige Vickers

The Great Disruptors
Quartz Creative Studio for Galaxy Fund Management
Design, art direction
🎨 by Jess Ebsworth

Voices from the Storm
Texas Monthly
Design, development

The Women's Voices Project
Texas Monthly
Art direction, illustration
🎨 by Max-o-matic

LMU Brand Identity Launch
Pentagram for LMU

#IMATXEX Campaign Site
Texas Exes
Photography, art direction, and design

Texas Exes Annual Report
Texas Exes
Photography, art direction, and design

Contact Instagram